
Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction via Interpretable Neural Networks

Keyphrase extraction aims at automatically extracting a list of ``important” phrases representing the key concepts in a document. Prior approaches for unsupervised keyphrase extraction resort to heuristic notions of phrase importance via embedding similarities or graph centrality, requiring extensive domain expertise to develop them. Our work presents an alternative operational definition: phrases that are most useful for predicting the topic of a text are keyphrases. To this end, we propose INSPECT—a self-explaining neural framework for identifying influential keyphrases by measuring the predictive impact of input phrases on the downstream task of topic classification.

LEXplain: Improving Model Explanations via Lexicon Supervision

Model explanations that shed light on the model{‘}s predictions are becoming a desired additional output of NLP models, alongside their predictions. Challenges in creating these explanations include making them trustworthy and faithful to the model{’}s predictions. In this work, we propose a novel framework for guiding model explanations by supervising them explicitly. To this end, our method, LEXplain, uses task-related lexicons to directly supervise model explanations. This approach consistently improves the model{‘}s explanations without sacrificing performance on the task, as we demonstrate on sentiment analysis and toxicity detection.

SelfExplain: A Self-Explaining Architecture for Neural Text Classifiers

We introduce SelfExplain, a novel self-explaining framework that explains a text classifier’s predictions using phrase-based concepts. SelfExplain augments existing neural classifiers by adding (1) a globally interpretable layer that identifies the most influential concepts in the training set for a given sample and (2) a locally interpretable layer that quantifies the contribution of each local input concept by computing a relevance score relative to the predicted label. Experiments across five text-classification datasets show that SelfExplain facilitates interpretability without sacrificing performance.

DialoGraph: Incorporating Interpretable Strategy-Graph Networks into Negotiation Dialogues

To successfully negotiate a deal, it is not enough to communicate fluently: pragmatic planning of persuasive negotiation strategies is essential. While modern dialogue agents excel at generating fluent sentences, they still lack pragmatic grounding and cannot reason strategically. We present DialoGraph, a negotiation system that incorporates pragmatic strategies in a negotiation dialogue using graph neural networks. DialoGraph explicitly incorporates dependencies between sequences of strategies to enable improved and interpretable prediction of next optimal strategies, given the dialogue context.

StructSum: Summarization via Structured Representations

Abstractive text summarization aims at compressing the information of a long source document into a rephrased, condensed summary. Despite advances in modeling techniques, abstractive summarization models still suffer from several key challenges: (i) layout bias: they overfit to the style of training corpora; (ii) limited abstractiveness: they are optimized to copying n-grams from the source rather than generating novel abstractive summaries; (iii) lack of transparency: they are not interpretable. In this work, we propose a framework based on document-level structure induction for summarization to address these challenges.